Endo の DNA から RNA を構成するプログラム
DNA列のサーチにText.Regexの正規表現ライブラリAPIを使う版 (version 2)
DNAの表現に ByteString を使う版 (version 3)
DNAの表現に Seq Char を使う版 (version 4)
$ wget http://www.icfpcontest.org/endo.zip
$ unzip endo.zip
走らせたいコードを execute-{version}.hs という名前で保存する. {version} の部分はバージョン番号です. コンパイラには ghc-6.6.1 を使った.
$ ghc --make -O -o execute-{version} execute-{version}.hs
execute-{version}は,コマンドラインで繰り返しの数を指定(必須)するよう につくってあります.これに負の数を指定すると最後までやることになります. このようにしてあるのは初期バージョンでは,実行がおわるまではとても待て ないからです.RNA は標準出力に,実行ログは標準エラーに出力されます. 実行ログは繰り返し1回ごとに,繰り返し番号(0からはじまる),パターン,テ ンプレートを出力します.パターン,テンプレートについては課題文書を 参照してください.
$ ./execute-0 50 < endo.dna 2> log.0
bash では上のコマンドで,version 0 が 50 回のくりかえしまで計算し 標準出力にRNAの出力が,log.0 には実行ログが出力されます.
$ time ./execute-4 -1 < endo.dna > endo.rna 2> log.4
上では version 4 を実行し,endo.dna をすべて処理し,RNA を endo.rna へ 実行ログを log.4 に出力し,最後に実行時間が表示されます. ちなみに正しいプログラムに endo.dna を処理させると繰り返し回数は 1,891,886 回で,生成される RNA の数は 302450 個です.
課題文書にある疑似コードをナイーブに Haskell のコードの落しただけ. アペンド(リストの ls 最後に要素 e を加える操作)をなにも考えずに
ls ++ [e]
なんてことをやって,それをループの中で使っているもんだから,正しく動く けど恐しく非効率,全く使いものにならない.どれほど遅いかは実行してみれ ばわかります.繰り返し 50 程度を指定しましょう.100 を指定すると 96 回 目のくりかえしに恐しく時間がかかり,まちきれないかもしれません.
コード (execute-0.hs)
module Main (main) where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
import System.Environment
-- S combinator
starling :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
starling f g x = f x (g x)
-- Debug print utilities
infixr 0 .$.
infixr 9 ...
tracing' :: Show a => (String -> String) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
tracing' f = (. starling (flip trace) (f . show))
tracing :: Show a => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
tracing = (. starling (flip trace) show)
(.$.) :: Show a => (a -> b) -> a -> b
(.$.) = tracing
(...) :: Show b => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(...) = (.) . (.$.)
-- Data types
type Base = Char
type DNA = [Base]
type Environment = [DNA]
type Pattern = [PItem]
data PItem = PB { pbase :: Base }
| PS { pskip :: Int }
| PD { pdna :: DNA }
| POpen
| PClose
deriving Eq
instance Show PItem where
show (PB b) = [b]
show (PS n) = '!':show n
show (PD d) = d
show POpen = "("
show PClose = ")"
type Template = [TItem]
data TItem = TB { tbase :: Base }
| TR { tref :: Int, tlev :: Int }
| TL { tlen :: Int }
deriving (Eq)
instance Show TItem where
show (TB b) = [b]
show (TR r l) = show r++'-':show l
show (TL n) = '|':show n++"|"
-- Main
main :: IO ()
main = execute . read . head =<< getArgs
execute :: Int -> IO ()
execute mx = exec mx 0 =<< getContents
exec :: Int -> Int -> DNA -> IO () -- the first and sencond arguments are only for debugging
exec _ _ [] = return ()
exec mx n dna | mx == n = return ()
exec mx n dna
= trace (show n) $
do { mp <- pattern $ dna
; case mp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (p,dna')
-> do { mt <- template $ dna'
; case mt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (t,dna'')
-> exec mx (n+1) $ ((matchReplace .$. p) .$. t) $ dna''
pattern :: DNA -> IO (Maybe (Pattern, DNA))
pattern = ploop [] 0
ploop :: Pattern -> Int -> DNA -> IO (Maybe (Pattern, DNA))
ploop _ _ [] = return Nothing
ploop p lvl dna
= case dna of
'C':dna' -> ploop (p++[PB 'I']) lvl dna'
'F':dna' -> ploop (p++[PB 'C']) lvl dna'
'P':dna' -> ploop (p++[PB 'F']) lvl dna'
'I':'C':dna' -> ploop (p++[PB 'P']) lvl dna'
'I':'P':dna' -> case nat dna' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna'') -> ploop (p++[PS n]) lvl dna''
'I':'F': _ :dna' -> case consts dna' of
(s,dna'') -> ploop (p++[PD s]) lvl dna''
'I':'I':'P':dna' -> ploop (p++[POpen]) (lvl+1) dna'
'I':'I': c :dna' | elem c "CF"
-> if lvl == 0 then return $ Just (p,dna')
else ploop (p++[PClose]) (lvl-1) dna'
'I':'I':'I':dna' -> case splitAt 7 dna' of
(rna,dna'') -> putStrLn rna >> ploop p lvl dna''
_ -> return Nothing
nat :: DNA -> Maybe (Int,DNA)
nat dna
= case dna of
'P':dna' -> Just (0,dna')
c :dna' | elem c "IF"
-> case nat dna' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (n,dna'') -> Just (n*2,dna'')
'C':dna' -> case nat dna' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (n,dna'') -> Just (2*n+1,dna'')
_ -> Nothing
consts :: DNA -> (DNA,DNA)
consts dna
= case dna of
'C':dna' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('I':d,dna'')
'F':dna' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('C':d,dna'')
'P':dna' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('F':d,dna'')
'I':'C':dna' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('P':d,dna'')
_ -> ([],dna)
template :: DNA -> IO (Maybe (Template,DNA))
template = tloop []
tloop :: Template -> DNA -> IO (Maybe (Template,DNA))
tloop t dna
= case dna of
'C':dna' -> tloop (t++[TB 'I']) dna'
'F':dna' -> tloop (t++[TB 'C']) dna'
'P':dna' -> tloop (t++[TB 'F']) dna'
'I':'C':dna' -> tloop (t++[TB 'P']) dna'
'I': c :dna' | elem c "FP"
-> case nat dna' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (l,dna'') -> case nat dna'' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna''') -> tloop (t++[TR n l]) dna'''
'I':'I': c :dna' | elem c "CF"
-> return $ Just (t,dna')
'I':'I':'P':dna' -> case nat dna' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna'') -> tloop (t++[TL n]) dna''
'I':'I':'I':dna' -> case splitAt 7 dna' of
(rna,dna'') -> putStrLn rna >> tloop t dna''
_ -> return Nothing
matchReplace :: Pattern -> Template -> DNA -> DNA
matchReplace p t dna
= case mloop dna (0,[],[]) p of
Nothing -> dna
Just (i,e) -> replace t e (drop i dna)
mloop :: DNA -> (Int,Environment,[Int]) -> Pattern -> Maybe (Int,Environment)
mloop dna (i,e,c) p
= case p of
PB b:p' -> if dna !! i == b then mloop dna (i+1,e,c) p' else Nothing
PS n:p' -> let i' = i+n
in if i' > length dna then Nothing else mloop dna (i',e,c) p'
PD s:p' -> case search s (drop i dna) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just n -> mloop dna (i+n+length s,e,c) p'
POpen:p' -> mloop dna (i,e,i:c) p'
PClose:p'-> mloop dna (i,e++[drop (head c) (take i dna)], tail c) p'
_ -> Just (i,e)
search :: DNA -> DNA -> Maybe Int
search s dna
= case break id (map (s `isPrefixOf`) (tails dna)) of
(xs,[]) -> Nothing
(xs,_) -> Just (length xs)
replace :: Template -> Environment -> DNA -> DNA
replace t e dna = rloop [] e t ++ dna
rloop :: DNA -> Environment -> Template-> DNA
rloop d e t
= case t of
TB b :t' -> rloop (d++[b]) e t'
TR n l:t' -> case index n e of
Nothing -> d
Just d' -> rloop (d++protect l d') e t'
TL n :t' -> case index n e of
Nothing -> rloop (d++asnat 0) e t'
Just d' -> rloop (d++asnat (length d')) e t'
_ -> d
index :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
index _ [] = Nothing
index i (x:xs) | i < 0 = Nothing
| i == 0 = Just x
| otherwise = index (i-1) xs
protect :: Int -> DNA -> DNA
protect l d = if l == 0 then d
else protect (l-1) (quote d)
quote :: DNA -> DNA
quote d = case d of
'I':ds -> 'C':quote ds
'C':ds -> 'F':quote ds
'F':ds -> 'P':quote ds
'P':ds -> 'I':'C':quote ds
_ -> []
asnat :: Int -> DNA
asnat 0 = ['P']
asnat n | even n = 'I':asnat (n `div` 2)
| otherwise = 'C':asnat (n `div` 2)
非効率なアペンドを使わない版 (version 1)
前バージョンより速いけど...繰り返し100で 190秒だった.
module Main (main) where
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace
import System.Environment
-- combinator
starling :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
starling f g x = f x (g x)
fstapp :: (a -> b) -> (a,c) -> (b,c)
fstapp f (x,y) = (f x, y)
-- Debug print utilities
infixr 0 .$.
infixr 9 ...
tracing' :: Show a => (String -> String) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
tracing' f = (. starling (flip trace) (f . show))
tracing :: Show a => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
tracing = (. starling (flip trace) show)
(.$.) :: Show a => (a -> b) -> a -> b
(.$.) = tracing
(...) :: Show b => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(...) = (.) . (.$.)
-- Data types
type Base = Char
type DNA = [Base]
type Environment = [DNA]
type Pattern = [PItem]
data PItem = PB { pbase :: Base }
| PS { pskip :: Int }
| PD { pdna :: DNA }
| POpen
| PClose
deriving Eq
instance Show PItem where
show (PB b) = [b]
show (PS n) = '!':show n
show (PD d) = d
show POpen = "("
show PClose = ")"
type Template = [TItem]
data TItem = TB { tbase :: Base }
| TR { tref :: Int, tlev :: Int }
| TL { tlen :: Int }
deriving (Eq)
instance Show TItem where
show (TB b) = [b]
show (TR r l) = show r++'-':show l
show (TL n) = '|':show n++"|"
-- Main
main :: IO ()
main = execute . read . head =<< getArgs
execute :: Int -> IO ()
execute mx = exec mx 0 =<< getContents
exec :: Int -> Int -> DNA -> IO ()
exec _ _ [] = return ()
exec mx n dna | mx == n = return ()
exec mx n dna
= trace (show n) $
do { mp <- pattern $ dna
; case mp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (p,dna')
-> do { mt <- template $ dna'
; case mt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (t,dna'')
-> exec mx (n+1) $ ((matchReplace .$. p) .$. t) $ dna''
pattern :: DNA -> IO (Maybe (Pattern, DNA))
pattern = ploop [] 0
ploop :: Pattern -> Int -> DNA -> IO (Maybe (Pattern, DNA))
ploop _ _ [] = return Nothing
ploop p lvl dna
= case dna of
'C':dna' -> ploop (PB 'I':p) lvl dna'
'F':dna' -> ploop (PB 'C':p) lvl dna'
'P':dna' -> ploop (PB 'F':p) lvl dna'
'I':'C':dna' -> ploop (PB 'P':p) lvl dna'
'I':'P':dna' -> case nat dna' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna'') -> ploop (PS n:p) lvl dna''
'I':'F': _ :dna' -> case consts dna' of
(s,dna'') -> ploop (PD s:p) lvl dna''
'I':'I':'P':dna' -> ploop (POpen:p) (lvl+1) dna'
'I':'I': c :dna' | elem c "CF"
-> if lvl == 0 then return $ Just (reverse p,dna')
else ploop (PClose:p) (lvl-1) dna'
'I':'I':'I':dna' -> case splitAt 7 dna' of
(rna,dna'') -> putStrLn rna >> ploop p lvl dna''
_ -> return Nothing
nat :: DNA -> Maybe (Int,DNA)
nat dna
= case dna of
'P':dna' -> Just (0,dna')
c :dna' | elem c "IF"
-> return . fstapp (2*) =<< nat dna'
'C':dna' -> return . fstapp ((1+).(2*)) =<< nat dna'
_ -> Nothing
consts :: DNA -> (DNA,DNA)
consts dna
= case dna of
'C':dna' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('I':d,dna'')
'F':dna' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('C':d,dna'')
'P':dna' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('F':d,dna'')
'I':'C':dna' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('P':d,dna'')
_ -> ([],dna)
template :: DNA -> IO (Maybe (Template,DNA))
template = tloop []
tloop :: Template -> DNA -> IO (Maybe (Template,DNA))
tloop t dna
= case dna of
'C':dna' -> tloop (TB 'I':t) dna'
'F':dna' -> tloop (TB 'C':t) dna'
'P':dna' -> tloop (TB 'F':t) dna'
'I':'C':dna' -> tloop (TB 'P':t) dna'
'I': c :dna' | elem c "FP"
-> case nat dna' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (l,dna'') -> case nat dna'' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna''') -> tloop (TR n l:t) dna'''
'I':'I': c :dna' | elem c "CF"
-> return $ Just (reverse t,dna')
'I':'I':'P':dna' -> case nat dna' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna'') -> tloop (TL n:t) dna''
'I':'I':'I':dna' -> case splitAt 7 dna' of
(rna,dna'') -> putStrLn rna >> tloop t dna''
_ -> return Nothing
matchReplace :: Pattern -> Template -> DNA -> DNA
matchReplace p t dna
= case mloop dna (0,[],[]) p of
Nothing -> dna
Just (i,e) -> replace t e (drop i dna)
mloop :: DNA -> (Int,Environment,[Int]) -> Pattern -> Maybe (Int,Environment)
mloop dna (i,e,c) p
= case p of
PB b:p' -> if dna !! i == b then mloop dna (i+1,e,c) p' else Nothing
PS n:p' -> let i' = i+n
in if i' > length dna then Nothing else mloop dna (i',e,c) p'
PD s:p' -> case search s (drop i dna) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just n -> mloop dna (i+n+length s,e,c) p'
POpen:p' -> mloop dna (i,e,i:c) p'
PClose:p'-> mloop dna (i,drop (head c) (take i dna):e, tail c) p'
_ -> Just (i,reverse e)
search :: DNA -> DNA -> Maybe Int
search s dna
= case break id (map (s `isPrefixOf`) (tails dna)) of
(xs,[]) -> Nothing
(xs,_) -> Just (length xs)
replace :: Template -> Environment -> DNA -> DNA
replace t e dna = rloop [] e t ++ dna
rloop :: DNA -> Environment -> Template-> DNA
rloop d e t
= case t of
TB b :t' -> rloop (b:d) e t'
TR n l:t' -> case index n e of
Nothing -> reverse d
Just d' -> rloop (rappend (protect l d') d) e t'
TL n :t' -> case index n e of
Nothing -> rloop (rappend (asnat 0) d) e t'
Just d' -> rloop (rappend (asnat (length d')) d) e t'
_ -> reverse d
rappend :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
rappend = flip (foldl snoc)
snoc :: [a] -> a -> [a]
snoc = flip (:)
index :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
index _ [] = Nothing
index i (x:xs) | i < 0 = Nothing
| i == 0 = Just x
| otherwise = index (i-1) xs
protect :: Int -> DNA -> DNA
protect l d = if l == 0 then d
else protect (l-1) (quote d)
quote :: DNA -> DNA
quote d = case d of
'I':ds -> 'C':quote ds
'C':ds -> 'F':quote ds
'F':ds -> 'P':quote ds
'P':ds -> 'I':'C':quote ds
_ -> []
asnat :: Int -> DNA
asnat 0 = ['P']
asnat n | even n = 'I':asnat (n `div` 2)
| otherwise = 'C':asnat (n `div` 2)
DNA列のサーチにText.Regexの正規表現ライブラリAPIを使う版 (version 2)
前 version と大差ない.
module Main (main) where
import Debug.Trace
import System.Environment
import Text.Regex
-- combinator
starling :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
starling f g x = f x (g x)
fstapp :: (a -> b) -> (a,c) -> (b,c)
fstapp f (x,y) = (f x, y)
-- Debug print utilities
infixr 0 .$.
infixr 9 ...
tracing' :: Show a => (String -> String) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
tracing' f = (. starling (flip trace) (f . show))
tracing :: Show a => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
tracing = (. starling (flip trace) show)
(.$.) :: Show a => (a -> b) -> a -> b
(.$.) = tracing
(...) :: Show b => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(...) = (.) . (.$.)
-- Data types
type Base = Char
type DNA = [Base]
type Environment = [DNA]
type Pattern = [PItem]
data PItem = PB { pbase :: Base }
| PS { pskip :: Int }
| PD { pdna :: DNA }
| POpen
| PClose
deriving Eq
instance Show PItem where
show (PB b) = [b]
show (PS n) = '!':show n
show (PD d) = d
show POpen = "("
show PClose = ")"
type Template = [TItem]
data TItem = TB { tbase :: Base }
| TR { tref :: Int, tlev :: Int }
| TL { tlen :: Int }
deriving (Eq)
instance Show TItem where
show (TB b) = [b]
show (TR r l) = show r++'-':show l
show (TL n) = '|':show n++"|"
-- Main
main :: IO ()
main = execute . read . head =<< getArgs
execute :: Int -> IO ()
execute mx = exec mx 0 =<< getContents
exec :: Int -> Int -> DNA -> IO ()
exec _ _ [] = return ()
exec mx n dna | mx == n = return ()
exec mx n dna
= trace (show n) $
do { mp <- pattern $ dna
; case mp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (p,dna')
-> do { mt <- template $ dna'
; case mt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (t,dna'')
-> exec mx (n+1) $ ((matchReplace .$. p) .$. t) $ dna''
pattern :: DNA -> IO (Maybe (Pattern, DNA))
pattern = ploop [] 0
ploop :: Pattern -> Int -> DNA -> IO (Maybe (Pattern, DNA))
ploop _ _ [] = return Nothing
ploop p lvl dna
= case dna of
'C':dna' -> ploop (PB 'I':p) lvl dna'
'F':dna' -> ploop (PB 'C':p) lvl dna'
'P':dna' -> ploop (PB 'F':p) lvl dna'
'I':'C':dna' -> ploop (PB 'P':p) lvl dna'
'I':'P':dna' -> case nat dna' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna'') -> ploop (PS n:p) lvl dna''
'I':'F': _ :dna' -> case consts dna' of
(s,dna'') -> ploop (PD s:p) lvl dna''
'I':'I':'P':dna' -> ploop (POpen:p) (lvl+1) dna'
'I':'I': c :dna' | elem c "CF"
-> if lvl == 0 then return $ Just (reverse p,dna')
else ploop (PClose:p) (lvl-1) dna'
'I':'I':'I':dna' -> case splitAt 7 dna' of
(rna,dna'') -> putStrLn rna >> ploop p lvl dna''
_ -> return Nothing
nat :: DNA -> Maybe (Int,DNA)
nat dna
= case dna of
'P':dna' -> Just (0,dna')
c :dna' | elem c "IF"
-> return . fstapp (2*) =<< nat dna'
'C':dna' -> return . fstapp ((1+).(2*)) =<< nat dna'
_ -> Nothing
consts :: DNA -> (DNA,DNA)
consts dna
= case dna of
'C':dna' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('I':d,dna'')
'F':dna' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('C':d,dna'')
'P':dna' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('F':d,dna'')
'I':'C':dna' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('P':d,dna'')
_ -> ([],dna)
template :: DNA -> IO (Maybe (Template,DNA))
template = tloop []
tloop :: Template -> DNA -> IO (Maybe (Template,DNA))
tloop t dna
= case dna of
'C':dna' -> tloop (TB 'I':t) dna'
'F':dna' -> tloop (TB 'C':t) dna'
'P':dna' -> tloop (TB 'F':t) dna'
'I':'C':dna' -> tloop (TB 'P':t) dna'
'I': c :dna' | elem c "FP"
-> case nat dna' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (l,dna'') -> case nat dna'' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna''') -> tloop (TR n l:t) dna'''
'I':'I': c :dna' | elem c "CF"
-> return $ Just (reverse t,dna')
'I':'I':'P':dna' -> case nat dna' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna'') -> tloop (TL n:t) dna''
'I':'I':'I':dna' -> case splitAt 7 dna' of
(rna,dna'') -> putStrLn rna >> tloop t dna''
_ -> return Nothing
matchReplace :: Pattern -> Template -> DNA -> DNA
matchReplace p t dna
= case mloop dna (0,[],[]) p of
Nothing -> dna
Just (i,e) -> replace t e (drop i dna)
mloop :: DNA -> (Int,Environment,[Int]) -> Pattern -> Maybe (Int,Environment)
mloop dna (i,e,c) p
= case p of
PB b:p' -> if dna !! i == b then mloop dna (i+1,e,c) p' else Nothing
PS n:p' -> let i' = i+n
in if i' > length dna then Nothing else mloop dna (i',e,c) p'
PD s:p' -> case search s (drop i dna) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just n -> mloop dna (i+n+length s,e,c) p'
POpen:p' -> mloop dna (i,e,i:c) p'
PClose:p'-> mloop dna (i,drop (head c) (take i dna):e, tail c) p'
_ -> Just (i,reverse e)
search :: DNA -> DNA -> Maybe Int
search s dna
= matchRegexAll (mkRegex s) dna >>= return . length . fst4
where fst4 (x,_,_,_) = x
replace :: Template -> Environment -> DNA -> DNA
replace t e dna = rloop [] e t ++ dna
rloop :: DNA -> Environment -> Template-> DNA
rloop d e t
= case t of
TB b :t' -> rloop (b:d) e t'
TR n l:t' -> case index n e of
Nothing -> reverse d
Just d' -> rloop (rappend (protect l d') d) e t'
TL n :t' -> case index n e of
Nothing -> rloop (rappend (asnat 0) d) e t'
Just d' -> rloop (rappend (asnat (length d')) d) e t'
_ -> reverse d
rappend :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
rappend = flip (foldl snoc)
snoc :: [a] -> a -> [a]
snoc = flip (:)
index :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
index _ [] = Nothing
index i (x:xs) | i < 0 = Nothing
| i == 0 = Just x
| otherwise = index (i-1) xs
protect :: Int -> DNA -> DNA
protect l d = if l == 0 then d
else protect (l-1) (quote d)
quote :: DNA -> DNA
quote d = case d of
'I':ds -> 'C':quote ds
'C':ds -> 'F':quote ds
'F':ds -> 'P':quote ds
'P':ds -> 'I':'C':quote ds
_ -> []
asnat :: Int -> DNA
asnat 0 = ['P']
asnat n | even n = 'I':asnat (n `div` 2)
| otherwise = 'C':asnat (n `div` 2)
DNAの表現に ByteString を使う版 (version 3)
10000 回のくりかえしで 230 秒 前バージョンより 80倍弱速くなった. でも endo.dna 全部処理するには 12 時間ほどかかりそう.
正直に言うと ByteString は cons が定数手間ではないことに気づいては いたんだけど.実はこれ以上速くするアイデアは全然思いつかなかった.
module Main (main) where
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import System.Environment
-- combinator
starling :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
starling f g x = f x (g x)
fstapp :: (a -> b) -> (a,c) -> (b,c)
fstapp f (x,y) = (f x,y)
-- Debug print utilities
infixr 0 .$.
infixr 9 ...
tracing' :: Show a => (String -> String) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
tracing' f = (. starling (flip trace) (f . show))
tracing :: Show a => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
tracing = (. starling (flip trace) show)
(.$.) :: Show a => (a -> b) -> a -> b
(.$.) = tracing
(...) :: Show b => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(...) = (.) . (.$.)
-- Data types
type Base = Char
type DNA = B.ByteString
type Environment = [DNA]
type Pattern = [PItem]
data PItem = PB { pbase :: Base }
| PS { pskip :: Int }
| PD { pdna :: DNA }
| POpen
| PClose
deriving Eq
instance Show PItem where
show (PB b) = [b]
show (PS n) = '!':show n
show (PD d) = B.unpack d
show POpen = "("
show PClose = ")"
type Template = [TItem]
data TItem = TB { tbase :: Base }
| TR { tref :: Int, tlev :: Int }
| TL { tlen :: Int }
deriving (Eq)
instance Show TItem where
show (TB b) = [b]
show (TR r l) = show r++'-':show l
show (TL n) = '|':show n++"|"
-- Main
main :: IO ()
main = execute . read . head =<< getArgs
execute :: Int -> IO ()
execute mx = exec mx 0 =<< B.getContents
exec :: Int -> Int -> DNA -> IO ()
exec mx n dna
| B.null dna = return ()
| mx == n = return ()
| otherwise
= trace (show n) $
do { mp <- pattern $ dna
; case mp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (p,dna')
-> do { mt <- template $ dna'
; case mt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (t,dna'')
-> exec mx (n+1) $ ((matchreplace .$. p) .$. t) $ dna''
pattern :: DNA -> IO (Maybe (Pattern, DNA))
pattern = ploop [] 0
ploop :: Pattern -> Int -> DNA -> IO (Maybe (Pattern, DNA))
ploop p lvl dna
= if B.null dna then return Nothing
let (b',dna') = (B.head dna, B.tail dna)
in case b' of
'C' -> ploop (PB 'I':p) lvl dna'
'F' -> ploop (PB 'C':p) lvl dna'
'P' -> ploop (PB 'F':p) lvl dna'
'I' -> if B.null dna' then return Nothing
let (b'',dna'') = (B.head dna',B.tail dna')
in case b'' of
'C' -> ploop (PB 'P':p) lvl dna''
'P' -> case nat dna'' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna''') -> ploop (PS n:p) lvl dna'''
'F' -> if B.null dna'' then return Nothing
case consts (B.tail dna'') of
(s,dna''') -> ploop (PD s:p) lvl dna'''
'I' -> if B.null dna' then return Nothing
let (b''',dna''') = (B.head dna'',B.tail dna'')
in case b''' of
'P' -> ploop (POpen:p) (lvl+1) dna'''
'C' -> if lvl == 0 then return $ Just (reverse p,dna''')
else ploop (PClose:p) (lvl-1) dna'''
'F' -> if lvl == 0 then return $ Just (reverse p,dna''')
else ploop (PClose:p) (lvl-1) dna'''
'I' -> case B.splitAt 7 dna''' of
(rna,dna'''') -> B.putStrLn rna
>> ploop p lvl dna''''
nat :: DNA -> Maybe (Int, DNA)
nat dna
= if B.null dna then Nothing
let (b',dna') = (B.head dna, B.tail dna)
in case b' of
'P' -> Just (0,dna')
'I' -> nat dna' >>= return . fstapp (2*)
'F' -> nat dna' >>= return . fstapp (2*)
'C' -> nat dna' >>= return . fstapp ((1+).(2*))
consts :: DNA -> (DNA,DNA)
consts dna
= if B.null dna then (B.empty,dna)
let (b',dna') = (B.head dna,B.tail dna)
in case b' of
'C' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> (B.cons 'I' d,dna'')
'F' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> (B.cons 'C' d,dna'')
'P' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> (B.cons 'F' d,dna'')
'I' -> if B.null dna' then (B.empty,dna)
let (b'',dna'') = (B.head dna',B.tail dna')
in case b'' of
'C' -> case consts dna'' of (d,dna''') -> (B.cons 'P' d,dna''')
_ -> (B.empty,dna)
template :: DNA -> IO (Maybe (Template, DNA))
template = tloop []
tloop :: Template -> DNA -> IO (Maybe (Template, DNA))
tloop t dna
= if B.null dna then return Nothing
let (b',dna') = (B.head dna,B.tail dna)
in case b' of
'C' -> tloop (TB 'I':t) dna'
'F' -> tloop (TB 'C':t) dna'
'P' -> tloop (TB 'F':t) dna'
'I' -> if B.null dna' then return Nothing
let (b'',dna'') = (B.head dna',B.tail dna')
in case b'' of
'C' -> tloop (TB 'P':t) dna''
'F' -> case nat dna'' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (l,dna''') -> case nat dna''' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna'''') -> tloop (TR n l:t) dna''''
'P' -> case nat dna'' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (l,dna''') -> case nat dna''' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna'''') -> tloop (TR n l:t) dna''''
'I' -> if B.null dna'' then return Nothing
let (b''',dna''') = (B.head dna'',B.tail dna'')
in case b''' of
'C' -> return $ Just (reverse t,dna''')
'F' -> return $ Just (reverse t,dna''')
'P' -> case nat dna''' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna'''') -> tloop (TL n:t) dna''''
'I' -> case B.splitAt 7 dna''' of
(rna,dna'''') -> B.putStrLn rna
>> tloop t dna''''
matchreplace :: Pattern -> Template -> DNA -> DNA
matchreplace p t dna
= case mloop (0,[],[]) p dna of
Nothing -> dna
Just (i,e) -> replace t e (B.drop i dna)
mloop :: (Int,Environment,[Int]) -> Pattern -> DNA -> Maybe (Int,Environment)
mloop (i,e,c) p dna
= case p of
PB b : p' -> if B.index dna i == b then mloop (i+1,e,c) p' dna else Nothing
PS n : p' -> let j = i+n
in if j > B.length dna then Nothing
else mloop (j,e,c) p' dna
PD s : p' -> B.findSubstring s (B.drop i dna)
>>= \ n -> mloop (i+n+B.length s,e,c) p' dna
POpen: p' -> mloop (i,e,i:c) p' dna
PClose:p' -> mloop (i,B.drop (head c) (B.take i dna):e,trace (show c) tail c) p' dna
_ -> Just (i,reverse e)
replace :: Template -> Environment -> DNA -> DNA
replace t e dna = B.append (rloop [B.empty] e t) dna
rloop :: [DNA] -> Environment -> Template -> DNA
rloop d e t
= case t of
TB b :t' -> rloop (B.singleton b:d) e t'
TR n l:t' -> rloop ((protect l (e!!!n)):d) e t'
TL n :t' -> rloop (asnat (B.length (e!!!n)):d) e t'
_ -> B.concat $ reverse d
(!!!) :: [B.ByteString] -> Int -> B.ByteString
[] !!! _ = B.empty
(x:_) !!! 0 = x
(_:xs) !!! n = xs !!! (n-1)
protect :: Int -> DNA -> DNA
protect l d = if l == 0 then d
else protect (l-1) (quote d)
quote :: DNA -> DNA
quote dna
= if B.null dna then B.empty
let (b',dna') = (B.head dna,B.tail dna)
in case b' of
'I' -> B.cons 'C' $ quote dna'
'C' -> B.cons 'F' $ quote dna'
'F' -> B.cons 'P' $ quote dna'
'P' -> B.cons 'I' $ B.cons 'C' $ quote dna'
asnat :: Int -> DNA
asnat 0 = B.singleton 'P'
asnat n | even n = B.cons 'I' $ asnat (n `div` 2)
| otherwise = B.cons 'C' $ asnat (n `div` 2)
DNAの表現に Seq Char を使う版 (version 4)
sakaiさんが Data.Sequence モジュールを使って実装したものを他のバー ジョンと同じ形式にすこし改変(本質的な部分はまったく同じ).endo.dna を 全部処理してもたった
80秒 爆速!!!
前バージョンの540倍!!!はっきりいってびっくらこいた.270行ほどのプログ ラムでこれだけ速いのはすごい気がする.C で書いてもここまで速くするのは それほど簡単ではないと思うなぁ.とても C で書く気がしないのでやってみ たりはしないけど...
module Main (main) where
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Data.Sequence (Seq,(<|), (><), (|>),ViewL(..))
import Data.Monoid
import Debug.Trace
import System.Environment
-- combinators
starling :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
starling f g x = f x (g x)
fstapp :: (a -> b) -> (a,c) -> (b,c)
fstapp f (x,y) = (f x, y)
-- For debug print
infixr 0 .$.
infixr 9 ...
tracing' :: Show a => (String -> String) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
tracing' f = (. starling (flip trace) (f . show))
tracing :: Show a => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
tracing = (. starling (flip trace) show)
(.$.) :: Show a => (a -> b) -> a -> b
(.$.) = tracing
(...) :: Show b => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(...) = (.) . (.$.)
-- Utilities for Seq
shead :: Seq a -> a
shead s = case S.viewl s of x :< xs -> x
stail :: Seq a -> Seq a
stail s = case S.viewl s of x :< xs -> xs
-- Data type
type Base = Char
type DNA = Seq Base
type Environment = [DNA]
type Pattern = [PItem]
data PItem = PB { pbase :: Base }
| PS { pskip :: Int }
| PD { pdna :: DNA }
| POpen
| PClose
deriving Eq
instance Show PItem where
show (PB b) = [b]
show (PS n) = '!':show n
show (PD d) = F.toList d
show POpen = "("
show PClose = ")"
type Template = [TItem]
data TItem = TB { tbase :: Base }
| TR { tref :: Int, tlev :: Int }
| TL { tlen :: Int }
deriving (Eq)
instance Show TItem where
show (TB b) = [b]
show (TR r l) = show r++'-':show l
show (TL n) = '|':show n++"|"
-- Main
main :: IO ()
main = execute . read . head =<< getArgs
execute :: Int -> IO ()
execute mx = exec mx 0 . S.fromList =<< getContents
exec :: Int -> Int -> DNA -> IO ()
exec mx n dna
| n == mx = return ()
| S.null dna = return ()
| otherwise
= trace (show n) $
do { mp <- pattern $ dna
; case mp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (p,dna')
-> do { mt <- template $ dna'
; case mt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (t,dna'')
-> exec mx (n+1) $ ((matchReplace .$. p) .$. t) $ dna''
pattern :: DNA -> IO (Maybe (Pattern, DNA))
pattern = ploop [] 0
ploop :: Pattern -> Int -> DNA -> IO (Maybe (Pattern, DNA))
ploop p lvl dna
= if S.null dna then return Nothing
let (b',dna') = (shead dna, stail dna)
in case b' of
'C' -> ploop (PB 'I':p) lvl dna'
'F' -> ploop (PB 'C':p) lvl dna'
'P' -> ploop (PB 'F':p) lvl dna'
'I' -> if S.null dna' then return Nothing
let (b'',dna'') = (shead dna', stail dna')
in case b'' of
'C' -> ploop (PB 'P':p) lvl dna''
'P' -> case nat dna'' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna''') -> ploop (PS n:p) lvl dna'''
'F' -> if S.null dna'' then return Nothing
case consts (stail dna'') of
(s,dna''') -> ploop (PD s:p) lvl dna'''
'I' -> if S.null dna'' then return Nothing
let (b''',dna''') = (shead dna'',stail dna'')
in case b''' of
'P' -> ploop (POpen:p) (lvl+1) dna'''
'C' -> if lvl == 0 then return $ Just (reverse p,dna''')
else ploop (PClose:p) (lvl-1) dna'''
'F' -> if lvl == 0 then return $ Just (reverse p,dna''')
else ploop (PClose:p) (lvl-1) dna'''
'I' -> case S.splitAt 7 dna''' of
(xs,ys) -> putStrLn (F.toList xs)
>> ploop p lvl ys
nat :: DNA -> Maybe (Int, DNA)
nat dna
= if S.null dna then Nothing
let (b',dna') = (shead dna, stail dna)
in case b' of
'P' -> return (0,dna')
'I' -> nat dna' >>= return . fstapp (2*)
'F' -> nat dna' >>= return . fstapp (2*)
'C' -> nat dna' >>= return . fstapp ((1+).(2*))
consts :: DNA -> (DNA,DNA)
consts dna
= if S.null dna then (S.empty,dna)
let (b',dna') = (shead dna,stail dna)
in case b' of
'C' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('I' <| d,dna'')
'F' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('C' <| d,dna'')
'P' -> case consts dna' of (d,dna'') -> ('F' <| d,dna'')
'I' -> if S.null dna' then (S.empty,dna)
let (b'',dna'') = (shead dna',stail dna')
in case b'' of
'C' -> case consts dna'' of (d,dna''') -> ('P' <| d,dna''')
_ -> (S.empty,dna)
template :: DNA -> IO (Maybe (Template, DNA))
template = tloop []
tloop :: Template -> DNA -> IO (Maybe (Template, DNA))
tloop t dna
= if S.null dna then return Nothing
let (b',dna') = (shead dna,stail dna)
in case b' of
'C' -> tloop (TB 'I':t) dna'
'F' -> tloop (TB 'C':t) dna'
'P' -> tloop (TB 'F':t) dna'
'I' -> if S.null dna' then return Nothing
let (b'',dna'') = (shead dna',stail dna')
in case b'' of
'C' -> tloop (TB 'P':t) dna''
'F' -> case nat dna'' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (l,dna''') -> case nat dna''' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna'''') -> tloop (TR n l:t) dna''''
'P' -> case nat dna'' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (l,dna''') -> case nat dna''' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna'''') -> tloop (TR n l:t) dna''''
'I' -> if S.null dna'' then return Nothing
let (b''',dna''') = (shead dna'',stail dna'')
in case b''' of
'C' -> return $ Just (reverse t,dna''')
'F' -> return $ Just (reverse t,dna''')
'P' -> case nat dna''' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (n,dna'''') -> tloop (TL n:t) dna''''
'I' -> case S.splitAt 7 dna''' of
(xs,ys) -> putStrLn (F.toList xs)
>> tloop t ys
findSubstring :: Eq a => Seq a -> Seq a -> Maybe Int
findSubstring s | S.null s = const (Just 0)
findSubstring s = f [] 0
where str = F.toList s
f ([]:_) n _ = Just $ n - S.length s
f s n xs = case S.viewl xs of
x :< xs' -> f [s' | (c:s') <- (s ++ [str]), x==c] (n+1) xs'
EmptyL -> Nothing
matchReplace :: Pattern -> Template -> DNA -> DNA
matchReplace p t dna
= case mloop (0,[],[]) p dna of
Nothing -> dna
Just (i,e) -> replace t e (S.drop i dna)
mloop :: (Int,Environment,[Int]) -> Pattern -> DNA -> Maybe (Int,Environment)
mloop (i,e,c) p dna
= case p of
PB b : p' -> if S.index dna i == b then mloop (i+1,e,c) p' dna else Nothing
PS n : p' -> let j = i+n
in if j > S.length dna then Nothing
else mloop (j,e,c) p' dna
PD s : p' -> findSubstring s (S.drop i dna)
>>= \ n -> mloop (i+n+S.length s,e,c) p' dna
POpen: p' -> mloop (i,e,i:c) p' dna
PClose:p' -> mloop (i,S.drop (head c) (S.take i dna):e,tail c) p' dna
_ -> Just (i,reverse e)
(!!!) :: [Seq a] -> Int -> Seq a
[] !!! _ = S.empty
(x:_) !!! 0 = x
(_:xs) !!! n = xs !!! (n-1)
replace :: Template -> Environment -> DNA -> DNA
replace t e dna = rloop e [S.empty] t >< dna
rloop :: Environment -> [DNA] -> Template -> DNA
rloop e d t
= case t of
TB b :t' -> rloop e (S.singleton b:d) t'
TR n l:t' -> rloop e (protect l (e!!!n):d) t'
TL n :t' -> rloop e (asnat (S.length (e!!!n)):d) t'
_ -> mconcat $ reverse d
protect :: Int -> DNA -> DNA
protect l d = if l == 0 then d
else protect (l-1) (quote d)
quote :: DNA -> DNA
quote dna
= if S.null dna then S.empty
let (b',dna') = (shead dna, stail dna)
in case b' of
'I' -> 'C' <| quote dna'
'C' -> 'F' <| quote dna'
'F' -> 'P' <| quote dna'
'P' -> 'I' <| 'C' <| quote dna'
asnat :: Int -> DNA
asnat 0 = S.singleton 'P'
asnat n | even n = 'I' <| asnat (n `div` 2)
| otherwise = 'C' <| asnat (n `div` 2)
Last modified : 2007/07/25 10:08:52 JST