- Programming_玉手箱
リスト同士の長さを比較するというより、むしろ指定した値と指定したリスト の長さを比較するという方がよくありそう。これならリストに無限リストを渡 されても大丈夫。
shorterThan, longerThan :: Int -> [a] -> Bool
shorterThan n = null . drop (n-1)
longerThan n = not . null . drop n
あれっ。これ名前は逆の方がいいかな? Curry 化されてなきゃ。逆だろうな。 逆にするなら、
cmpLen :: Int -> [a] -> Ordering
cmpLen 0 [] = EQ
cmpLen n ls = case splitAt (n-1) ls of
(_,[]) -> GT
(_,[_]) -> EQ
_ -> LT
整数のリストをもらって、おのおのの要素にその位置を示す数を加えてかえす – Ansi Common Lisp Ex 3.5
posAdd :: [Int] -> [Int]
posAdd = zipWith (+) [0..]
連続した n 要素のリストのリスト
contElems 3 [1,2,3,4,5] → [ [1,2,3],[2,3,4],[3,4,5] ]
2ch よりの話題 80さんと同じもの
contElems :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
contElems n = (!! n) . transpose . map inits . tails
Graph の統合
(親 子1 子2 …)
例えば、最初のセットが ((A B C) (B D E) (F G) (H F I) (J A))の場合、出力は:
((J (A (B (D) (E)) (C))) (H (F (G)) (I)))
import List
type Vertex = Char
type Relation = (Vertex, [Vertex])
data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a] deriving (Show, Read)
roots :: [Relation] -> [Vertex]
roots rels = filter (not . flip elem children) parents
where children = nub $ concat $ map snd rels
parents = map fst rels
makeTree :: [Relation] -> Vertex -> Tree Char
makeTree rels v = Tree v $ map (makeTree rels) $ lookupTos v rels
lookupTos :: Vertex -> [Relation] -> [Vertex]
lookupTos v [] = []
lookupTos v (r:rs) | v == fst r = snd r
| otherwise = lookupTos v rs
makeForest :: [Relation] -> [Tree Char]
makeForest rels = map (makeTree rels) $ roots rels
(子)リストのリストがあって、子リストにはシンボルが2個以上入ってたとする。たとえば、((A B) (C D) (E F) (A G) (H F I)) のような感じ。
これを、同じシンボルを含む子リストはまとめたいとする。たとえば、例で言えば ((A B G) (C D) (E F H I)) のようなリストを返す。
nobsun の解
import List
solve :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [[a]]
solve = foldr foo []
foo :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
foo x [] = [x]
foo x [email protected](c:cs)
= case bar x c of
[] -> c:foo x cs
xc -> foo xc cs
bar :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
bar ps qs = case intersect ps qs of
[] -> []
is -> union ps qs
import List
solve xs = foldr solve' xs (concat xs)
solve' x xs = case partition (elem x) xs of
(p, q) -> foldl union [] p : q
- (concat xs) の代わりに (nub (concat xs)) あるいは (foldl union [] xs) でもいいっかもしれない。– nobsun
長さの等しい二つのリスト[a1; a2…; an]と [b1; b2…; bn]を受け取って, [(a1, bn); (a2, bn - 1); …; (an, b1)] を返す関数を書きなさい。ただし、
- nをあらかじめ知ることはできない
- 与えられた二つのリスト以外のリストを使ってはならない
- 再帰呼び出しは高々(n + 1)回しか行ってはならない
- 全体の計算量はO(n)でなければならない
nobsun の最初の解
xzip xs ys = zip xs (reverse ys)
(reverse ys) で中間リストをつくっているので駄目?再帰呼び出しも2n回になるのかなぁ
xzip xs ys = f where (f,s) = xzip' xs ys
xzip' [] ys = ([], ys)
xzip' (x:xs) ys = ((x,y):list, ys')
where (list, (y:ys')) = xzip' xs ys
で、nobsun の改良解?
import List (mapAccumR)
xzip xs ys = snd $ xzip' xs ys
where xzip' = flip $ mapAccumR f
f (y:ys) x = (ys,(x,y))
n 番飛ばし毎にグループに分ける
f n = foldr (\x y -> (x:last y):init y) (replicate n [])
f5 n = transpose . unfoldr phi
where phi [] = Nothing
phi xs = Just $ splitAt n xs
n 個ずつグループ化する
f1 n = unfoldr phi
where phi [] = Nothing
phi xs = Just $ splitAt n xs
「順列の生成」に触発されて、いろいろつくってみた。2003/11/24 08:09:32 JST–nobsun
たとえば、[1,2,3]というリストの全二分割は、 [([],[1,2,3]),([1],[2,3]),([1,2],[3]),([1,2,3],[])]
divid :: [a] -> [([a],[a])]
divid [email protected](x:xs) = ([],xxs) : [(x:ys,zs) | (ys,zs) <- divid xs]
divid [] = [([],[])]
divid xs = zip (inits xs) (tails xs)
inits = map fst . divid
tails = map snd . divid
n 種類のものから、r 個取り出して並べる。辞書順に生成される。
perm :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
perm [] _ = []
perm xs 0 = [[]]
perm xs 1 = map (:[]) xs
perm xs n = concatMap (pm n) $ divid xs
where pm _ (_,[]) = []
pm n (hs,(t:ts)) = map (t:) $ perm (hs ++ ts) (n-1)
length (perm ns r) == nPr (n = length ns)
perm [] = [[]]
perm xs = concat [map (x:) (perm xs') | (x, xs') <- f xs]
where f [] = []
f (x:xs) = (x, xs):[(x', x:xs') | (x', xs') <- f xs]
Eq a なときの順列
perm' :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
perm' [] = [[]]
perm' xs = concat [map (x:) (perm' xs') | (x, xs') <- nubBy g $ f xs]
where f [] = []
f (x:xs) = (x, xs):[(x', x:xs') | (x', xs') <- f xs]
g (x, _) (y, _) = x == y
n 種類のものから、重複を許して、r 個取り出してならべる。
rperm :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
rperm [] _ = []
rperm xs 0 = [[]]
rperm xs 1 = [[x] | x <- xs]
rperm xs n = [ x:ys | x <- xs, ys <- rperm xs (n-1) ]
length (rperm ns r) == nΠr (n = length ns) == n^r
2ch で覚えた方法
rperm = ((foldl ((=<<) . (. (return .) . (:)) . (>>=) ) [[]]) .) . (flip replicate)
- 邪悪な香りがして、ぞくぞくきますねぇ。^^;
- rperm [] 0 の結果が上と違うけど、どちらが正しいの?
- 0^0 は 0 か 1 かと同じ話ですよね。不定ということでどうでしょうか。
- 空集合から空集合への写像の数は1つらしいので rperm [] _ の行はない方がいいでしょうか。それと rperm xs 1 の行も必要ないですよね。他のほとんどの項目の *** xs 1 の行についても同様です。
import Control.Monad rperm = flip replicateM
n 種類のものから、r 個取り出して組み合せる。
comb :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
comb [] _ = []
comb xs 0 = [[]]
comb xs 1 = map (:[]) xs
comb (x:xs) n = map (x:) (comb xs (n-1)) ++ comb xs n
comb xs 1 のパターンを外せるが他のパターンの順序を変えないといけない。
comb _ 0 = [[]]
comb [] _ = []
comb (x:xs) n = map (x:) (comb xs (n-1)) ++ comb xs n
length (comb ns r) == nCr (n = length ns)
choice :: Int -> [a] -> [([a], [a])]
choice 0 xs = [([], xs)]
choice n [] = []
choice n (x:xs) = [(x:ys, zs) | (ys, zs) <- choice (n-1) xs] ++
[(ys, x:zs) | (ys, zs) <- choice n xs]
n 種類のものから、重複を許して、r 個取り出して組み合わせる。
rcomb :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
rcomb [] _ = []
rcomb xs 0 = [[]]
rcomb xs 1 = [[x] | x <- xs]
rcomb [email protected](x:xs) n = map (x:) (rcomb xxs (n-1)) ++ rcomb xs n
length (rcomb ns r) == nHr (n = length ns)
rcomb' [] _ = []
rcomb' xs 0 = [[]]
rcomb' xs n = xs >>= (flip map (rcomb xs (n-1))) . (:)
-- rcomb' xs n = xs >>= (rcomb xs (n-1) >>=) . ((flip (:) [] .) . (:))
かってに書いてもいいのかな? 問題があったら消して下さい >> nobsun
- Welcome! Wikiなんですから、どんどん書いちゃってくださいな。–nobsun
2chの関数型プログラミング言語Haskell で話題になっているものを転記。
permutation' [] = [[]]
permutation' xs = foldr (++) [] (map f (rotate_list xs))
f (x:xs) = map (x:) (permutation' xs)
rotate_list xs = take (length xs) (iterate rotate_left xs)
rotate_left [] = []
rotate_left (x:xs) = xs ++ [x]
permutation [] = [[]]
permutation xs = foldr (++) [] (map f (selected_list xs))
f (x:xs) = map (x:) (permutation xs)
selected_list xs = take (length xs) (zipWith select (repeat xs) [0..])
select [] _ = []
select xs n = z : ys ++ zs
(ys,(z:zs)) = splitAt n xs
上の permutation' は速いですが順列が昇順に出力されません.下の
permutation は昇順に出力されますが, splitAt のあたりが遅いのか,速度
permutation [] = [[]]
permutation xs = concat [map (x:) $ permutation (delete x xs) | x <- xs]
permutations :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations (x:xs) = concat $ map (insap [] x) $ permutations xs
insap :: [a] -> a -> [a] -> [[a]]
insap xs y (z:zs) = (xs ++ [y] ++ (z:zs)):(insap (xs ++ [z]) y zs)
insap xs y [] = [xs ++ [y]]
permutations [] = [[]]
insap xs y [email protected](z:zs) = (xs++y:zzs):insap (xs++[z]) y zs
permutation xs = p xs []
p [] [] = [[]]
p [] ys = []
p (x:xs) ys = (map (x:) $ p (xs ++ reverse ys) []) ++ p xs (x:ys)
deleteより少し速い。xs ++ reverse ysを効率的にやればもう少しいけるかもね。
permutation' [] = [[]]
permutation' xs = foldr (++) [] (map rotate_list (f xs))
f (x:xs) = map (x:) (permutation' xs)
rotate_list xs = take (length xs) (iterate rotate_left xs)
rotate_left [] = []
rotate_left (x:xs) = xs ++ [x]
selected-list xs = p xs [] []
p [] ys r = reverse r
p (x:xs) ys r = p xs (x:ys) ((x:((reverse ys) ++ xs)):r)
primes = map head $ iterate sieve [2..] sieve (p:xs) = [ x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0] factors n = fc [] (prms n primes) n where prms n ps = takeWhile (ceiling (sqrt (fromInteger (n+1))) > ) ps fc rs [] n = reverse (n:rs) fc rs [email protected](p:ps) n = case n `divMod` p of (1,0) -> reverse (n:rs) (m,0) -> fc (p:rs) (prms m pps) m _ -> fc rs ps n
primes' :: [Integer] primes' = 2:sieve' [3] [5,7..] sieve' :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer] sieve' (p:ps) xs = p:sieve' (ps++ps') [x | x <- qs, mod x p /= 0] where (ps', qs) = span (<(p*p)) xs
- 修正しますた
primes をまじめに計算すると遅いので、これで十分かも
primes' = 2 : zipWith (+) primes' (1 : 2 : cycle [2, 4])
- primes’ = 2:3:(3の倍数を除く奇数)ですか。オーダとしては、primes’’ = 2:[3,5..] としてもいいのか、なるほど。
primes’’’ = 2:3:5:scanl (+) 7 (cycle [4,2,4,2,4,6,2,6]) – やりすぎですか、そうですか。
prms っていらないんじゃないの?
factors n = fc [] primes n
fc rs [email protected](p:ps) n = case n `divMod` p of
(1,0) -> reverse (n:rs)
(q,0) -> fc (p:rs) pps q
_ -> fc rs ps n
prms なくてもいいけど、ないと遅くなるでしょう。 n の平方根より大きい値で割っても意味ないし
reverseはいらないし(lazyにfactoring)、(1, 0)とのマッチはおこりません。 – yts
primes = sieve [2..] where sieve (p:xs) = p:sieve [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0] factors n = f n (g n primes) where f x [] = [x] f x [email protected](p:ps) = case x `divMod` p of (m, 0) -> p:f m (g m pps) _ -> f x ps g n = takeWhile ((<= n).(^2))
- f x pps の定義で、x が変化しない場合も takeWhile を実行するのは無駄ではないでしょうか
- 確かに。スタートアップで削っておけば十分ですね。修正しました。 –yts
sieve の中と factors で 2 回割り算するのはもったいない。
factors n = f n (2:[3,5..]) where f n (m:ms) | n <= 1 = [] | n < m * m = [n] | n `mod` m == 0 = m:f (n `div` m) (m:ms) | otherwise = f n ms
- p, qは整数(pは0以上で、qは1以上N以下).
- gcd(p, q) = 1 (pとqの最大公約数は1).
- 0 <= p/q <= 1.
ss = map s [0..]
s 0 = False : True : cycle [False]
s n = cycle $ map (!! n) $ take n ss
irr 0 = []
irr n = irr (n-1) ++ [(n,i) | (p,i) <- zip (ss !! n) [0..n], p]
『算譜の記』のコメントにかかれたssを利用しない版 s を利用したもの
s 0 = False : True : cycle [False]
s 1 = cycle [True]
s n = map (!! n) $ map s $ cycle [0..n-1]
irr 0 = []
irr 1 = [(1,0),(1,1)]
irr n = irr (n-1) ++ [(n,i) | (p,i) <- zip (s n) [0..n-1], p]
irr n = concat $ foldl (\x n -> [(n,i) | i <- [1..n-1], (\y -> elem y $ map snd $ x !! (y-1)) $ min i (n-i)] : x) [[(1,0),(1,1)]] [2..n]
irr n = foldl (\x n -> [(n,i) | i <- [1..n-1], (\y -> elem (n-y,y) x) $ min i (n-i)] ++ x) [(1,0),(1,1)] [2..n]
euclid x y = euclid' x y 1 0 0 1
euclid' x 0 a b _ _ = ((a, b), x)
euclid' x y a b c d = euclid' y r c d (a-c*q) (b-d*q)
where (q, r) = quotRem x y
Main> euclid 5 7
((3,-2),1) -- 5 * 3 - 7 * 2 == 1
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
module Text.Decomment (CommentStyle(..), QuoteStyle(..), decomment) where
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
class CommentStyle c where
commentLeadings :: c -> [String]
commentOpenings :: c -> [String]
commentClosing :: c -> String -> String
commentNestable :: c -> Bool
class QuoteStyle q where
quoteOpenings :: q -> [Char]
quoteClosing :: q -> Char -> Char
quoteEscape :: q -> Char
splitWithPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe ([a],[a])
splitWithPrefix [] xs = Just ([],xs)
splitWithPrefix (p:ps) [email protected](x:xs)
| p == x = splitWithPrefix ps xs >>= return . ((x:) *** id)
| otherwise = Nothing
splitQuoted :: Eq a => a -> a -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitQuoted esc qm [] = ([],[])
splitQuoted esc qm (c:cs)
| c == qm = ([],cs)
| c == esc = case cs of
[] -> ([c],[])
c':cs' -> ((c:).(c':) *** id) $ splitQuoted esc qm cs'
| otherwise = ((c:) *** id) $ splitQuoted esc qm cs
decomment :: (CommentStyle s, QuoteStyle s) => s -> String -> String
decomment s "" = ""
decomment s [email protected](c:cs) = case mapMaybe (flip splitWithPrefix ccs) $ commentLeadings s of
(_,xs):_ -> decomment s $ snd $ break ('\n'==) xs
[] -> case mapMaybe (flip splitWithPrefix ccs) $ commentOpenings s of
(p,xs):_ -> decommentC s [p] xs
[] -> if elem c (quoteOpenings s) then c:decommentQ s c cs
else c:decomment s cs
decommentC :: (CommentStyle s, QuoteStyle s) => s -> [String] -> String -> String
decommentC s [] xs = ' ':decomment s xs
decommentC s [email protected](p:ps) [email protected](x:xs)
| commentNestable s = case splitWithPrefix (commentClosing s p) xxs of
Just (_,ys) -> decommentC s ps ys
Nothing -> case mapMaybe (flip splitWithPrefix xxs) $ commentOpenings s of
[] -> decommentC s pps xs
(p',yys):_ -> decommentC s (p':pps) yys
| otherwise = case mapMaybe (splitWithPrefix (commentClosing s p)) $ tails xs of
(_,ys):_ -> ' ':decomment s ys
[] -> ""
decommentQ :: (CommentStyle s, QuoteStyle s) => s -> Char -> String -> String
decommentQ s c xs = case splitQuoted (quoteEscape s) (quoteClosing s c) xs of
(ys,zs) -> ys ++ '"':decomment s zs
read' :: Read a => String -> a
read' = read . uncomment
uncomment :: String -> String
uncomment "" = ""
uncomment ('-':'-':rs) = case break ('\n'==) rs of (ss,ts) -> uncomment ts
uncomment ('{':'-':rs) = uncommentC 1 rs
uncomment ('\'':'"':'\'':rs) = '\'':'"':'\'':uncomment rs
uncomment ('\\':'"':rs) = '\\':'"':uncomment rs
uncomment ('"':rs) = '"':uncommentQ rs
uncomment (c:rs) = c : uncomment rs
uncommentQ :: String -> String
uncommentQ "" = ""
uncommentQ ('\\':'"':rs) = '\\':'"':uncommentQ rs
uncommentQ ('"':rs) = '"': uncomment rs
uncommentQ (c:rs) = c:uncommentQ rs
uncommentC :: Int -> String -> String
uncommentC _ "" = ""
uncommentC 0 rs = uncomment rs
uncommentC k ('-':'}':rs) = uncommentC (k-1) rs
uncommentC k ('{':'-':rs) = uncommentC (k+1) rs
uncommentC k (c:rs) = uncommentC k rs
sample0 = "[1 -- hoge\n,2\n,3\n{- ,4 \n -}\n]"
*Main> putStrLn sample0
[1 -- hoge
{- ,4
*Main> read' sample0 :: [Int]
import Text.Regex
sub re s str = case matchRegexAll re str of
Just (b, _, a, _) -> b ++ s ++ a
_ -> str
gsub re s str = case matchRegexAll re str of
Just (b, _, a, _) -> b ++ s ++ gsub re s a
_ -> str
前に挙げたdividWithQuoteByをつかうとApacheのcombined 形式の access.log の項目も分解できる。単純な空白区切りの words に
testdata = " - - [12/Dec/2003:16:07:36 +0900] \"GET /cgi-bin/kahua.cgi HTTP/1.1\" 200 2301 \"-\" \"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ja-JP; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031127 Firebird/0.7\""
Main> mapM_ putStrLn $ words testdata
words4ApacheLog :: String -> [String]
words4ApacheLog = dividWithQuoteBy [('\"', '\"'),('[',']')] isSpace
Prelude> mapM_ putStrLn $ words4ApacheLog testdata
[12/Dec/2003:16:07:36 +0900]
"GET /cgi-bin/kahua.cgi HTTP/1.1"
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ja-JP; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031127 Firebird/0.7"
- つまり、dividWithQuoteBy の逆を書けば汎用 encoding 関数が書けるんですね – shelarcy
same_prefix xs ys = map fst $ takeWhile (uncurry (==)) $ zip xs ys
same_prefix (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = x : same_prefix xs ys
| otherwise = []
same_prefix _ _ = []
same_prefix = same_prefix_iter []
same_prefix_iter xiferp (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = same_prefix_iter (x:xiferp) xs ys
| otherwise = reverse xiferp
same_prefix_iter xiferp _ _ = reverse xiferp
import List
main :: IO ()
main = getContents >>= mapM_ print . sameString
sameString :: String -> [(String, Int)]
sameString = sortBy (\(_,x) (_,y) -> compare y x)
. map (rv . last)
. groupBy similar
. sort . map (rv . last)
. groupBy similar
. getPrefix . sort . tails
rv :: (String, Int) -> (String, Int)
rv (s, i) = (reverse s, i)
similar :: (String, Int) -> (String, Int) -> Bool
similar (s1, i1) (s2, i2)
| i1 /= i2 = False
| otherwise = and $ map (uncurry (==)) $ zip s1 s2
getPrefix :: [String] -> [(String, Int)]
getPrefix ss = concat $ snd $ mapAccumL f ([], []) ss
f :: (String, [Int]) -> String -> ((String, [Int]), [(String, Int)])
f (cs, xs) ss = ((ss, p), q)
where (p, q) = g cs xs ss
g :: String -> [Int] -> String -> ([Int], [(String, Int)])
g (c:cs) (x:xs) (s:ss) | c == s = ((x+1):p, map (\(s, n) -> (c:s, n)) q)
where (p, q) = g cs xs ss
g cs xs ss = (map (\_ -> 1) ss, zip (drop 1 $ inits cs) (takeWhile (1<) xs))
dividWithQuoteBy :: [(Char,Char)] -> (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String] dividWithQuoteBy _ _ "" = [""] dividWithQuoteBy qs p [email protected](c:cs) = if p c then "" : dividWithQuoteBy qs p cs else case break (pOr p q) ccs of (_,[]) -> [ccs] (xs,[email protected](y:ys)) -> case lookup y qs of Nothing -> xs : dividWithQuoteBy qs p ys Just eq -> case break (eq ==) ys of (_,[]) -> error ("Invalid format: no "++show eq) (zs,w:ws)-> case dividWithQuoteBy qs p ws of [] -> [ccs] ts:uus -> (xs++[y]++zs++[w]++ts) : uus where q x = case lookup x qs of {Nothing -> False; _-> True} pOr f g x = if f x then True else g x
これを利用すると CSVフォーマットのデータ行を分解するのは例えば、
readCSVLine :: String -> [String] readCSVLine = dividWithQuoteBy [('\"','\"'),('\'','\'')] (','==)
main=putStr(x++show x);x="main=putStr(x++show x);x="
文字列 C が文字列 A, B から構成されているか
文字列 C の要素を二つに分けたとき、それらが C 上の順序を保って A, B と等しいか。
f xs ys = elem (Just ([], [])) . foldl g [Just (xs, ys)]
g xy z = [ case (l, r) of (Just (x:xs, ys), _) | x == z -> Just (xs, ys)
(_, Just (xs, y:ys)) | y == z -> Just (xs, ys)
_ -> Nothing
| (l, r) <- zip (xy++[Nothing]) (Nothing:xy)
Main> f "aaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaab" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
(1732 reductions, 5108 cells)
Main> f "chocolate" "chips" "cchochiolpaste"
(532 reductions, 1625 cells)
末広がりにならないように斜めにみる。 – yts
check xs ys zs = last $ next ys zs $ True:zipWith (==) xs zs where next [] zs bs = if length zs == length xs then bs else [False] next (y:ys) (z:zs) (b:bs) = next ys zs $ fix (\bls -> (b && z == y):[ (bl && z == x) || (bd && z == y) | (bd, (bl, (x, z))) <- zip bs $ zip bls $ zip xs zs])
Exploit lazyness! fibなんかもこういうふうにbuild DOWNできます。 – yts
data Tree a = T a (Tree a) (Tree a) check xs ys zs = b where end = T False end end [email protected](T b _ _) = checks xs ys zs t checks [] [] [] _ = T True end end checks [] [] _ _ = end checks _ _ [] _ = end checks (x:xs) [] (z:zs) ~(T _ [email protected](T a al ar) _) = T (z == x && a) (checks xs [] zs l) (T False ar end) checks [] (y:ys) (z:zs) ~(T _ _ [email protected](T b bl br)) = T (z == y && b) (T False end bl) (checks [] ys zs r) checks [email protected](x:xs) [email protected](y:ys) (z:zs) ~(T _ [email protected](T a al ar) [email protected](T b bl br)) = T (z == x && a || z == y && b) (checks xs yys zs (T a al ar)) (checks xxs ys zs (T b ar br)) -- "ar"
type Table k v = k -> Maybe v
emptyTable :: Table k v
emptyTable = const Nothing
lookup :: Table k v -> k -> Maybe v
lookup = id
insert :: Eq k => Table k v -> (k,v) -> Table k v
insert tbl (k,v) key = if k == key then Just v else tbl key
remove :: Eq k => Table k v -> k -> Table k v
remove tbl k key = if k == key then Nothing else tbl key
zipper代わりに。– yts
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a] deriving Show
data TreeP a = TreeP { parent :: Maybe (TreeP a), value :: a, children :: [TreeP a] }
mkTreeP pmb (Tree a cs) = let x = TreeP pmb a (map (mkTreeP (Just x)) cs) in x
parents = map fromJust . takeWhile isJust . iterate (>>= parent) . return
instance Show a => Show (TreeP a) where
showsPrec d (TreeP p a cs) = showParen (d > 10) $
("TreeP " ++) . (f p ++) . showsPrec 11 a . (" " ++) . showList cs
where f (Just _) = "(Just <parent>) "; f Nothing = "Nothing "
test00 = Tree 0 [Tree 1 [Tree 2 [Tree 3 []], Tree 4 []]]
test01 = mkTreeP Nothing test00
test02 = head . children . head . children $ test01
test03 = parent test02
test04 = parents test02
Haskell Red-Black Setより。 Red Black Trees に deletion 付きのものがある。
data Color = R | B
data RedBlackSet a = E | T Color (RedBlackSet a) a (RedBlackSet a)
balance B (T R (T R a x b) y c) z d = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d)
balance B (T R a x (T R b y c)) z d = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d)
balance B a x (T R (T R b y c) z d) = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d)
balance B a x (T R b y (T R c z d)) = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d)
balance color a x b = T color a x b
empty = E
member x E = False
member x (T _ a y b)
| x < y = member x a
| x > y = member x b
| True = True
insert x s = T B a y b
T _ a y b = ins s
ins E = T R E x E
ins [email protected](T color a y b)
| x < y = balance color (ins a) y b
| x > y = balance color a y (ins b)
| True = s
balance が美しい。
data AVLSet a = E | T H (AVLSet a) a (AVLSet a) deriving Show
data H = L | B | R deriving Show
balanceL R a x b = (False, T B a x b)
balanceL B a x b = (True, T L a x b)
balanceL L (T L a x b) y c = (False, T B a x (T B b y c))
balanceL L (T B a x b) y c = (True, T R a x (T L b y c))
balanceL L (T R a x (T h b y c)) z d = (False, T B (T h' a x b) y (T h'' c z d))
where (h', h'') = case h of L -> (B, R); B -> (B, B); R -> (L, B)
balanceR L a x b = (False, T B a x b)
balanceR B a x b = (True, T R a x b)
balanceR R a x (T R b y c) = (False, T B (T B a x b) y c)
balanceR R a x (T B b y c) = (True, T L (T R a x b) y c)
balanceR R a x (T L (T h b y c) z d) = (False, T B (T h' a x b) y (T h'' c z d))
where (h', h'') = case h of R -> (L, B); B -> (B, B); L -> (B, R)
member x E = False
member x (T _ a y b)
| x < y = member x a
| x > y = member x b
| True = True
insert x E = T B E x E
insert x t = snd $ ins x t
ins x E = (True, T B E x E)
ins x [email protected](T h l v r)
| x < v = case ins x l of
(True, l) -> balanceL h l v r
(False, l) -> (False, T h l v r)
| x > v = case ins x r of
(True, r) -> balanceR h l v r
(False, r) -> (False, T h l v r)
| True = (False, t)
delete x t = snd $ del x t
del x E = (True, E)
del x (T h l y r)
| x < y = case del x l of
(False, l) -> balanceR h l y r
(True, l) -> (True, T h l y r)
| x > y = case del x r of
(False, r) -> balanceL h l y r
(True, r) -> (True, T h l y r)
| True = case l of
E -> (False,r)
l -> case rightElem l of
(z, (False, l)) -> balanceR h l z r
(z, (True, l)) -> (True, T h l z r)
rightElem (T h l x E) = (x, (False,l))
rightElem (T h l x r) = case rightElem r of
(z, (False, r)) -> (z, balanceL h l x r)
(z, (True, r)) -> (z, (True, T h l x r))
height E = 0
height (T _ l _ r) = 1 + max (height l) (height r)
toList E = []
toList (T _ a x b) = toList a ++ [x] ++ toList b
check = snd . check'
check' E = (0, True)
check' (T h l _ r) =
( 1 + max a c
, b && d && (case h of
L -> a == c + 1
R -> a + 1 == c
B -> a == c
where ((a, b), (c, d)) = (check' l, check' r)
permutation [] = [[]]
permutation xs = concat [map (x:) $ permutation (List.delete x xs) | x <- xs]
test = and $ map (check . foldl (flip insert) E) $ permutation [1..8]
test' = and [check $ delete x t | t <- map (foldl (flip insert) E) $ permutation [1..7], x <-[1..7]]
Red-Black Tree をまねしてみたけど、場合分けが多くなってしまった。 – y.hanatani
height E = 0
height (T L l _ _) = 1 + height l
height (T _ _ _ r) = 1 + height r
これを使ってGADTで遊ばせてもらいました。その際に気付いたのですが、「balanceL L (T B a x b) y c = (True, T L (T B a x b) y c)」は「balanceL L (T B a x b) y c = (True, (T R a x (T L b y c)」ではないでしょうか。– sakai
あ、insert だけだとこの規則は使われないですね。delete のときにはsakai氏のおっしゃるとおりです。 – y.hanatani
data Z = Z
data S n = S n
data (Ord a) => T a n where
E :: T a Z
T :: H l r n -> T a l -> a -> T a r -> T a n
data H l r n where
B :: H a a (S a)
L :: H (S a) a (S (S a))
R :: H a (S a) (S (S a))
balanceL :: H l r n -> T a (S l) -> a -> T a r -> Either (T a n) (T a (S n))
balanceL R a x b = Left (T B a x b)
balanceL B a x b = Right (T L a x b)
balanceL L (T B a x b) y c = Right (T R a x (T L b y c))
balanceL L (T L a x b) y c = Left (T B a x (T B b y c))
balanceL L (T R a x (T h b y c)) z d =
case h of
L -> Left (T B (T B a x b) y (T R c z d))
B -> Left (T B (T B a x b) y (T B c z d))
R -> Left (T B (T L a x b) y (T B c z d))
balanceR :: H l r n -> T a l -> a -> T a (S r) -> Either (T a n) (T a (S n))
balanceR L a x b = Left (T B a x b)
balanceR B a x b = Right (T R a x b)
balanceR R a x (T B b y c) = Right (T L (T R a x b) y c)
balanceR R a x (T R b y c) = Left (T B (T B a x b) y c)
balanceR R a x (T L (T h b y c) z d) =
case h of
R -> Left (T B (T L a x b) y (T B c z d))
B -> Left (T B (T B a x b) y (T B c z d))
L -> Left (T B (T B a x b) y (T R c z d))
ins :: (Ord a) => a -> T a n -> Either (T a n) (T a (S n))
ins x E = Right (T B E x E)
ins x [email protected](T h l v r) =
case x `compare` v of
EQ -> Left t
LT -> case ins x l of
Left l' -> Left (T h l' v r)
Right l' -> balanceL h l' v r
GT -> case ins x r of
Left r' -> Left (T h l v r')
Right r' -> balanceR h l v r'
data (Ord a) => AVLSet a = forall n. AVLSet (T a n)
emptySet :: (Ord a) => AVLSet a
emptySet = AVLSet E
insert :: (Ord a) => a -> AVLSet a -> AVLSet a
insert x (AVLSet t) =
case ins x t of
Left u -> AVLSet u
Right u -> AVLSet u
toList :: (Ord a) => AVLSet a -> [a]
toList (AVLSet t) = f t
where f :: forall a n. T a n -> [a]
f E = []
f (T _ l x r) = f l ++ [x] ++ f r
height :: (Ord a) => AVLSet a -> Int
height (AVLSet t) = f t
where f :: forall a n. T a n -> Int
f E = 0
f (T L l _ r) = 1 + f l
f (T _ _ _ r) = 1 + f r
test = height $ foldl (flip insert) emptySet [1..100]
foldによって書いてみる – yts
fold :: (forall l n r. H l n r -> b -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> T a d -> b
fold f z [email protected](T h l a r) = f h (g l) a (g r) where g = fold f z
fold f z E = z
member :: (Ord a) => a -> AVLSet a -> Bool
member (x :: a) (AVLSet t) = fold f False t
where f :: H l r n -> Bool -> a -> Bool -> Bool
f _ l a r = case compare x a of
EQ -> True; LT -> l; GT -> r
-- toList (AVLSet t) = fold (\h l a r -> l ++ [a] ++ r) [] t
-- height (AVLSet t) = <snip>
newtype Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
type Rec r = r (Fix r)
type Stream a = Rec ((,) a)
stream (x:xs) = (x, Fix (stream xs))
tolist (a, (Fix b)) = a:tolist b
test = take 10 $ tolist $ stream [1..]
もっといい項目名をつけたかったのだけど… – yts
dfs :: (a -> [a]) -> a -> [a]
dfs f x = x:(f x >>= dfs f)
bfs :: (a -> [a]) -> a -> [a]
bfs f = bfs' . (:[])
where bfs' [] = []
bfs' xs = xs ++ bfs' (xs >>= f)
-- 一行で書くと
bfs f = concat . takeWhile (not.null) . iterate (>> f) . (:[])
Graphical Sequence
isGraphic [] = True
isGraphic (x:xs) = or [isGraphic $ map (subtract 1) xs ++ ys | (xs,ys) <- choice x xs]
choice の定義はProgramming_玉手箱_組合せにある.
splitAt' :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe ([a], [a])
splitAt' 0 xs = Just ([], xs)
splitAt' _ [] = Nothing
splitAt' n (x:xs) = splitAt' (n-1) xs >>= \(ys, zs) -> Just (x:ys, zs)
isGraphical :: [Int] -> Bool
isGraphical = isGraphical' . reverse . sort
isGraphical' [] = True
isGraphical' (x:xs) = case splitAt' x xs of
Just (ys, zs) -> isGraphical $ map (subtract 1) ys ++ zs
Nothing -> False
genGraphical :: Int -> [[Int]]
genGraphical 0 = [[]]
genGraphical n = nub $ concat [[ins m $ map (+1) ys ++ zs | (m, (ys, zs)) <- zip [0..] (splits xs)] | xs <- genGraphical (n-1)]
where splits xs = zip (inits xs) (tails xs)
ins a [] = [a]
ins a [email protected](x:xs) | x <= a = a:xxs
| True = x:ins a xs
graphicals :: [[Int]]
graphicals = concatMap genGraphical [0..]
Last modified : 2006/06/13 07:49:57 JST